Showing posts from July, 2022Show All
England wins its first ever major women's championship in 2-1 Euro 2022 win over Germany
Europe hunts for new energy sources.
For India’s Effort to Ban Disposable Plastic, One State Offers a Playbook
Drone detonates explosive at Russia’s Black Sea navy HQ
The Red Cross says it still doesn’t have access to the prison camp where dozens of Ukrainians died.
NBA legend Bill Russell dies at 88
China announces live-fire naval exercises ahead of possible Pelosi Taiwan visit
Russia offers big money to recruit for Ukraine war
'Appalling' videos alleged to show Russian soldiers castrating a Ukrainian soldier
Followers of Iraqi Cleric Occupy Parliament Again, Demanding Reforms
President Joe Biden tests positive for Covid-19 again
Russia cuts off gas flow to Latvia.
Why some people actually want a recession (and others say that's crazy)