Two Georgia Republicans have racked up $100,000 in fines for defying a mask mandate in Congress.
China cries foul on returned Delta flight over COVID entry requirements: 'not consistent with the facts'
Spurred by Omicron, Europe Is Setting Coronavirus Infection Records Every Day
Cities around the world pare back New Year celebrations, again.
Fears of Omicron as an unstoppable threat are tempered by signs of milder symptoms.
Deadly flooding in Brazil kills at least 20 and displaces thousands, leaving Covid-19 vaccines submerged
France closes mosque after imam incites hatred against Christians, Jews
Fears of Omicron’s Rapid Spread Are Tempered by Signs of Milder Illness
Pandemic restrictions will limit Desmond Tutu’s funeral to 100 people.
France sets new restrictions amid record cases.
Tom Holland has some thoughts on hosting the Oscars
Nepal halts Covid vaccinations in children because of a lack of syringes.
Colorado DA asking court to reduce 110-year prison sentence for trucker in fatal crash
Polish president vetoes media bill that would make Discovery surrender control of TV network
South Korea approves Pfizer’s coronavirus pill for emergency use.
The world's most indebted property developer reports progress completing homes